The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) officially opened its online system to accept applications for 2024 Grade 1 and 8 learner admissions on 15 June 2023. Parents and guardians have been advised to apply for school placement in these grades as soon as they can.
The Education Department has confirmed that it will be closing online applications for learners who will be going to school in Gauteng in 2024 on 14 July 2023.
Should parents not be able to submit school applications on time for the upcoming school year, they will then be afforded an opportunity to submit late applications.
In a statement, the GDE has revealed:
The late applications period will open on 11 December 2023 and come to an end on 21 December 2023.
This will benefit parents who failed to submit online applications during the initial application period.
It's important to note that only schools with available space are available for parents to choose from when submitting late applications. The learner will be automatically placed at the school that the application was submitted to.
As Gauteng Education’s online system has received a few yet significant changes, parents will be allowed to follow a single application process.
Unlike the previous two-phased approach method, this new application method will allow parents and guardians to apply for Grades 1 and Grade 8 at the same time.
Amongst these changes, the admissions applications system will now be taking up to 40,000 applications within a minute.
The Education Department has assured parents that the 2024 online admission process will be seamless and that their children will be admitted without any problems.
Here’s How Parents Can Submit Admission Applications For 2024:
Step 1: Register Parent/Guardian details
Step 2: Add the Parent/Guardian’s address
Step 3: Register Learner's Details
Step 4: Apply to Schools
Step 5: Upload Documents
Gauteng Education will also operate in several Decentralised Walk-in Centres, which parents can visit to receive assistance with the submission of the admission application.