Here's How Long Does A Sassa Older Persons Grant Application Takes


The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) provides grants to around 46% of South Africa's population. 



 The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) provides grants to around 46% of South Africa's population. One of the grants provided by Sassa is the Older Persons Grant. 


To qualify for the older persons grant, applicants must:

  • Be a South African citizen, permanent resident or a refugee
  • Be resident in South Africa
  • Be 60 years or older
  • Not be maintained or cared for in a State Institution  
  • Not receive another social grant for himself or herself 
  • Submit a 13 digit barcoded identity document or the smart ID card
  • Along with your spouse, take a means test


Some people have asked what is the turnaround period between submitting applications for the older persons grant and individuals receiving their money. 


Sassa said, “If all details are correct and all documents are correctly submitted and you are approved, you should receive it by the following month after your application”.


The value of the Old Age Grant (Under 75) is currently R1 890 and will increase to R1 980 in April 2022. The grant will increase by a further R10 to R1 990 in October 2022. 


The value of the Old Age Grant (75+) is currently R1 910 and will increase to R2 000 in April 2022. The grant will increase by a further R10 to R2 010 in October 2022. 






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