The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) distributes more than 18 million permanent grants to beneficiaries every month. These grants are critical as they allow beneficiaries to purchase basic goods and access basic services.
Permanent social grants include the Older Person grant, Disability grant, War Veterans grant, Care Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top Up and Grant-in-aid. Sassa also provides temporary assistance through the social relief of distress grant (SRD grant).
Individuals who qualify for Sassa grants are encouraged to apply. These applications can be submitted at a Sassa office nearest to where they live.
Grant applicants will be required to complete a Sassa grant application form in the presence of the Sassa officer. The Sassa officer will interview the applicant and inform them whether they qualify for the grant.
Grant applicants will also be required to provide documents to support their grant applications. It's important to note that grant applications are only considered complete once all the required documents have been submitted to Sassa.
Here Are The Documents Needed For Sassa Grant Applications
Grant |
Documents Needed |
Older Persons Grant |
Disability Grant |
War Veterans Grant |
Children Support Grant |
Care Dependency Grant |
Foster Child Grant |
Grant In Aid |
How To Submit Your Online Sassa Application
Should you want to submit a Sassa grant application for one of these grants, you will first need to create an online Sassa account.
When you're done, you then need to visit the Sassa services page and click on 'Apply for a grant'. You will then need to follow the prompts to complete your application, which includes providing your mobile phone number.
If Sassa approves your grant application, you will be paid from the date on which you submitted a complete application, unless you have applied for a foster child grant. Foster child grants are paid from the date of the court order.
Grants are provided to beneficiaries based on their needs. The older persons grants are provided to individuals who are older than 60 years old and require financial assistance.
The war veterans grant is provided to individuals older than 60 years old and who have served in the defence force. Individuals under 60 years old who had participated in war service and cannot work may also qualify for the war veterans grant.
The disability grant is provided to people living with disabilities. The grant in aid is provided to social grant beneficiaries who require full-time care; the grant is for the payment of a caregiver.
There are several grants distributed by Sassa that help individuals support children. This includes a child support grant, foster care grant and child support grant top-up.
Documents Needed For Social Relief Of Distress Grant Application Process
So if you’re interested in applying, you might also be wondering which documents are needed to do so and we’re here to help. Due to social relief of distress grant applications having to be submitted electronically, you won’t need to submit any actual documents.
When you apply for the SRD grant, you’ll be asked to submit your ID number or your Department of Home Affairs Refugee permit number, if you are a refugee.
How To Submit Your Social Relief SRD Grant Application
An SRD grant application can be submitted using the SRD Sassa website. Only an online SRD grant application will be accepted. You will also be able to do a Sassa status check on your SRD R350 grant application process using this Sassa website.
The main SRD grant requirement is to have no alternative source of income and to also not be receiving any other government grants, including NSFAS and UIF. Should you be receiving these, you will not qualigy for the SRD R350 grant.
When you apply, you’ll be asked to submit your ID number and mobile phone number if you are a South African citizen or your Department of Home Affairs Refugee permit number, if you are a refugee.
The information provided will then be put through databases from the South African Revenue Services, Home Affairs, the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).
Sassa Provides Financial Support
SASSA was created in 2005 to distribute social grants on behalf of the Department of Social Development. This was done to improve the standards of living in the country and are given to people who are vulnerable to poverty and/or in need of support from the government, such as the elderly, people living with disabilities and those with young children.
In addition to South African citizens, Sassa also provides social relief to asylum seekers and those who have their Zimbabwe exemption permit dispensation or their Lesotho exemption permit dispensation. The SRD grant could give vulnerable individuals the social relief they need.
Can I Use My Bank Account For Sassa?
Yes, you can, Sassa actually encourages an approved beneficiary to use their bank account for any future payments! Should you opt to receive your Sassa grant payment through a bank account, it gives you more efficient and easier access to your social grant.
You will need to submit the correct banking details as well as the correct mobile phone number when setting up your payment details.
Unfortunately, the Post Office is no longer a collection point for Sassa grant payment.